When's your next opportunity to interrupt?
When's your next opportunity to interrupt someone whilst they're speaking?
And when was the last time someone interrupted you? Were you relieved that they came to your rescue - saved you from your next thought?
It's so common to interrupt & be interrupted that we don't stop to notice what is lost when it happens.
A big fan of Nancy Kline's “Time To Think” I'm now immersed in her new book "The Promise That Changes Everything: I Will Not Interrupt You".
I've recommended "Time To Think" to so many people & with such enthusiasm that I'm pretty sure I've interrupted people in order to do so 😉. And I guess that's one of our challenges: we feel justified in our interrupting. It is for their benefit - it is the decent thing to do - to share our wisdom, right?
One point she makes that always resonates for me is how when we interrupt someone we are making a judgement that what we are about to say is more important than what they are about to think or say. How can we possibly know?
"I must enrich...I know where you are going with this; I need to take you elsewhere; your unformed thought will be less valuable than my formed one; I am more important than you are"
I'm trying to interrupt less often.