What can you hold more lightly?

What can you hold more lightly?

As I write this, I can feel the question being relevant again.

What can I hold more lightly?

Can I write this in 10 mins & trust that something in it might be helpful for someone? Not go back & edit & faff? (btw "No!" It's just taken me 25)

Last week, as a group of coaches, we were focusing on transitions, & how we can support people to "let go". But this stuff is hard, isn't it? And often we are being asked to let go before we have something new to hold on to - or even an idea of what that thing might be. Sometimes there will be no new thing. That's a different sort of challenge.

After that conversation I remembered how useful it can be to simply consider how we might hold things more lightly, rather than expecting ourselves to let go.

Listening to a coachee, she described feeling a loss of control & how a tightening was showing up in her work & personal life & that she knew she needed to "let go". We considered instead how she might hold things more lightly. (Was the feeling she should be letting go just another thing she was holding on to?). Her shoulders relaxed, her face brightened. She could give examples of where in her life she could loosen her grip a little. Small, realistic, steps.

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