Conversations I've had and sessions I've led recently have made me reflect on how hard it remains for people to "speak up" at work.
Sometimes this reluctance will mean something dangerous goes ahead unchecked, sometimes it will mean a great idea isn't shared; and other times it will mean the same people still get the airtime in meetings while the others still don't.
The more I learn about Psychological Safety the more I realise how quick we can be to decide that individuals should be more assertive/confident/courageous. "I would have spoken up", "How could someone stay silent?".
But experts in the topic realise the change needs to be in the organisations as a whole - no doubt starting with leaders - so that individuals don't need courage to "speak up". They just speak. It won't take courage because it won't be risky.
How can you make it easier for the people around you to just speak? (And be listened to - but that's another post...)