Why I use a knife to serve ice cream

Why I use a knife to serve ice cream

For decades I used an ice cream scoop to serve ice cream.

Sometimes it was "too frozen" - there was no "give" in the ice cream.

I would dip the scoop into hot water to warm it up in the hopes it would make the ice cream melt enough on contact to help it ease its way through. It worked slightly better. Sort of. Bit messy. 

Then, one day, I used a cold, sharp, kitchen knife to cut straight through it. Top to bottom of tub in a matter of seconds. It was easy! It was effective! 

One of the problems I see in most organisations is the habit of tinkering with some traditional approach, using a tool that's been around a long time, and tweaking things so that there is just a small improvement. It works slightly better. Sort of. Bit messy. 

What is often needed is to use something else. A different thing. A new thing. Looking at a problem as if there is not already a solution can free you up to find something that works MUCH better! 

What can you look at today with a fresh pair of eyes to make your work easier and more effective? 

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