Whose needs? Avoiding the tendency to design an event that you would like to go to!

Whose needs? Avoiding the tendency to design an event that you would like to go to!

In my first job in Social Care I worked alongside an experienced Probation Officer who used to ask, regularly, "Whose needs?" to check that what was being considered & decided was definitely about the offenders we were working with - & not meeting some need in us (e.g. to be needed, liked, respected, valued, interested).

This important question came back to me during a conversation about how we design & facilitate sessions bearing in mind people's different preferences.

I was part of a School of Facilitation London gathering & we were exploring Street Wisdom. We noticed how we all enjoyed different aspects of it & felt varying levels of engagement with time alone v. time as a group etc - & it led us to consider how we need to be disciplined about designing sessions that don't mainly suit our own preferences - meet some need we have - but that serve everyone.

Those of us who are natural reflectors & enjoy considering things in a quiet environment need to check we have pair & group activities for people who like the opposite & love to share; & vice versa.

We are all likely to have bias running through what we design so it was good to have the gentle reminder. Whose needs?

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