How to spot a true strength

How to spot a true strength

I spent a lot of my working life doing things I was good at. That's the idea isn't it? Do what you're good at. Simple.

So why did I sometimes feel so bad?

Turns out, just being good at something does not make it a strength. A strength needs to be something you're good at that's good for you.

When you use your true strengths you feel energised and like you're in flow - time often flies! The more you do it, the more energy you feel you have; rather than feeling drained by the activity. 

I can proofread things and feel strangely excited by spotting mistakes and making improvements; whereas a colleague might be as capable at proofreading and find it eye-rollingly tiresome. They might be "good at detail" when it's demanded of them, but it's not their strength and doing too much of it will drain them.

Want to feel more energised and engaged at work? 

Notice how you feel when you are doing something you are good at. If you feel good, see if you can do more of it. And see if you can delegate or share the stuff that drains you. We are all different. Some lucky person might thrive on it! 

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