How to be more like a human at work today

How to be more like a human at work today

I don't know about you, but I've always preferred working in places where I can behave like a human whilst I'm there. 

Sometimes without even realising it, lots of people lose or hide a great deal of who they really are when they arrive at work. Do you?

This, unsurprisingly, can make people feel like frauds and feel disconnected, lonely, and anxious. The effort of not being yourself is huge, but when you do it every day that huge effort starts to feel normal. 

Today, start small and identify one thing you can do differently that makes you feel more like yourself at work. 

If you'd like to feel more connected and feel more warmth with others, chat to colleagues whilst waiting for a meeting to start rather than scrolling through messages on your phone.

If you'd like to feel like you exist outside of your organisation, go for a walk outside and watch more of the world go by.

If you'd like someone else to feel more human today too, when you send an email, use words that come naturally in conversation and see if you can avoid standard work-like phrases and business speak.

Or call someone and have a conversation with normal words in it and enjoy the back-and-forth of live dialogue, and maybe some gentle humour.

Or you can simply notice activities that make you feel less than your whole self and not terribly human as you go through your day, so that you become more conscious of the things you might like to do differently. 

What could you try?




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