What do caterpillars know?

What do caterpillars know?

Whilst out walking we came across a caterpillar. It was big and bright and was crossing a wide path. Seeing people walking with their dogs just a little way behind us, I coaxed the caterpillar onto a twig and carried it to the other side of the path, so it wouldn't get trampled. It was sunset and as I walked I wondered what sort of butterfly it would become.

Later, I asked my partner "Do you think caterpillars know they're going to become butterflies? Or do they freak out whilst they're turning into one?". (He didn't know).

I shared this story in Linda Aspey's Thinking Coffee this morning when we were thinking about "ease" and it seemed to resonate with people. One way or another we are all going through a transformation right now and maybe some of us are freaking out.

And maybe we can trust the process and it will turn out okay.

P.S. I think it might be an Emperor Moth. I'm not as keen on moths as I am on butterflies but that is my problem. I wish it ease during its transformation.

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