How to help people feel part of things: 6 reflections on engagement and inclusion

How to help people feel part of things: 6 reflections on engagement and inclusion

We sat on hard, creaky, chairs and tried not to think about what we'd have for dinner later; and we discussed engagement and inclusion.

Because this is what a group of trainers, coaches, and facilitators does for kicks.

Three of our thoughts on inclusion:

1. People feel included when the event is accessible (physically and in other ways e.g. language used) to everyone.

2. If you feel you are of equal value to the others in the room, that you are valued because of who you are - for being you - you can feel included.

3. It's easier to feel included when someone waits patiently for you to think and respond. Try giving people 5-7 seconds even if it feels like an eternity.

And on engagement:

1. People "engage" in different ways. Some speak up and others think and process quietly. Try not to assume.

2. Just "showing up" and being there can be a form of engagement. They bothered.

3. People leaning in, physically, is often a good sign - entering into the discussion space more. Check that this isn't just about hard, squeaky, chairs and trying to get comfortable though ;)

Thanks to all who were with me at International Association of Facilitators afternoon this week.

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